Snoop Dogg Launching NFT Avatars in The Sandbox

snoop dogg avatars the sandbox

Not 420 avatars, but a collection of 10,000 strong

Snoop Dogg has announced a collection of avatars coming to The Sandbox. On Twitter the rapper and serial investor revealed the project with an image and the words ‘Something big is happening. Release date coming soon.’ 

Details about the NFT collection are surely missing, but Snoop Dogg has been collaborating with The Sandbox for quite some time. The American rapper shared with his followers on Twitter that everybody who holds a Snoopverse Pass NFT automatically gains access to the sale. These passes are limited in supply and cost 525 SAND, which translates to $2,539. 

The image shows that there will be 10,000 NFT avatars, but how players can use these characters by Snoop in The Sandbox or outside the game world is not yet known. Late 2021 Snoop Dogg unveiled Snoopverse, a gaming universe part of The Sandbox. During the early access event in December gamers could get a first glimpse of Snoop Dogg’s presence in the voxelated virtual world of The Sandbox. 

Twitter/Snoop Dogg

The Sandbox hype is strong

The Sandbox has been one of the most hyped metaverse projects on the market. Ever since Facebook changed its name to Meta, land prices have shot up. Both the increased demand for land and the higher value of the native SAND token pushed the price up. The cheapest land parcel on the secondary market cost an equivalent of $11,700 at the time of writing. 

Mainstream attention for the metaverse also attracts various brands. Snoop Dogg isn’t the only one. Within The Sandbox gamers will find brands like Care Bears, The Smurfs, Atari, The Walking Dead and Adidas. In other virtual worlds there are dozens of other brands, really showing how much interest virtual reality generates. 

With Decentraland, Cryptovoxels, Somnium Space and The Sandbox, we’re only scratching the surface of what will become a gigantic network of virtual worlds. All powered by blockchain technology, forming the metaverse. After Facebook became Meta, trading in metaverse land boomed. Virtual worlds generated $500 million in trading volume in 2021, and reached a combined market cap of $3.5 billion. Land in the metaverse is selling for the price of luxurious villas.

While the metaverse is a hot topic, celebrities are flocking into this new space. Paris Hilton already did a concert in Decentraland, Deadmau5 bought land in The Sandbox, and the list goes on. On DappRadar we track all kinds of celebrities and their wallets, giving you insight in what they collect.

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