RADAR staking, Contribute-to-Earn, Product and Content updates
On Monday 20th June, DappRadar had its third Community Call. The team gave updates on cross-chain RADAR staking, Contribute-to-Earn, the new single dapp page, updated rankings table and upcoming gamification features.
The Community Call featured updates from Skirmantas Januškas, our CDO Dragos Dunica, Product Owner Nick Rennie and Head of Content Robert Hoogendoorn. Topics included the future of the RADAR token on multiple chains, DappRadar’s Content team branching out to more platforms, our new Contribute-to-Earn system and all of the product updates that are happening now.
DappRadar Community Call #3 highlights
- 3:04 – CEO Skirmantas Januškas talks about DappRadar’s continued growth. DappRadar is still growing and hiring. Cross-chain RADAR staking is expected during the week beginning June 27th.
- 7:24 – CDO Dragos Dunica discusses Contribute-to-Earn, through which DappRadar users can earn RADAR tokens for contributing to the community. Go to Layer 3 to create an account in time to start earning.
- 12:25 – Head of Product Nick Rennie offers insights into the new mobile app launching on iOS. DappRadar PRO members can sign up and be the first to access the app. Updates coming for single dapp page, rankings and some secret new features that will be revealed soon.
- 17:53 – Head of Content Robert Hoogendoorn tells us that DappRadar is currently at NFT.NYC and that our content is now available on Instagram and TikTok. We have podcasts, AMA, community calls on Spotify and YouTube. PRO users also now receive extra DappRadar Signals via the Discord channel.
- 21:48 – Nick Rennie gives some more information on upcoming gamification elements on DappRadar. The first season will launch towards the end of Q3.
To listen to the entire call, check out the video at the bottom of the page.
More about the DappRadar PRO Membership
Everybody who holds 5,000 RADAR tokens in their web3 wallet is automatically eligible to be a DappRadar PRO member. PRO membership gives you access to more detailed search options, filters and data points. You can also access detailed analytical reports from our research team and every DappRadar Signal, through our Discord channel.
You can read more about the RADAR token on this overview page.