Explore Dapps, DeFi and NFTs on Injective with DappRadar

Injective NFT DeFi DappRadar Dapps Rankings integration
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Discover dynamic dapps, interoperability and the future of finance

DappRadar is happy to announce that the World’s Dapp Store now tracks projects building on Injective, a Layer-1 blockchain that’s shaping the future of finance. Developers can now list their projects for free, while their dapps, NFTs and the DeFi market become easier to explore for Web3 enthusiasts.

DappRadar already tracks more than 16,500 dapps across over 75 different blockchains, and we are delighted to welcome Injective to the World’s Dapp Store. Injective allows dapps to tap into resources across Ethereum, Cosmos and Solana, pioneering interoperability and allowing teams to build sophisticated dapps with plug-and-play modules. 

As we allow the community to explore Injective through industry leading metrics, they can find anything ranging from DeFi protocols to NFT marketplaces. Helix is the leading decentralized orderbook, while Mito and Hydro Protocol offer user-friendly, advanced financial solutions. Those who are looking for NFTs can explore Talis Protocol, ushering in the NFTfi ecosystem. 

DappRadar invites the Injective community to explore their ecosystem through our Rankings, and see which dapps are trending. Moreover, we hope active community members and development teams will last their favorite dapps or own projects through our developer dashboard.

Getting started with Injective

  1. Connect your Web3 wallet to the Injective Hub to get started. There’s support for Metamask, OKX Wallet, Kepler, Ledger and a wide variety of other wallets. Through the hub a special Injective wallet is created in the background. 
    1. An alternative solution would be to download Ninji, which is an Injective-native software wallet for mobile devices and web browsers.
  2. Get INJ to start using the Injective blockchain. We have two options: 
    1. Open your “Account menu” and click “Buy Crypto”. In the Transak pop-up, select INJ from a Currency menu. And specify how much you want to buy. Payments happen through credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay. 
    2. Use the Injective bridge, and move crypto from Ethereum, Cosmos, Solana or over a dozen other chains to Injective. 
  3. Now it’s time to find dapps on Injective through our Rankings.

Have fun exploring the Injective ecosystem!

Missing a dapp? List it now!

Developers and enthusiastic Injective community members can list their projects easily on DappRadar. Join our platform, and showcase your project to our global community of Web3 and gaming enthusiasts. Simply make an account on our Developer Dashboard, and provide all the requested information. Developers can list projects in different stages of development, both with and without smart contracts.

Developers will receive a notification once our moderators approve a project. By listing a project on DappRadar, they boost its visibility and increase its chance for success. Above all, developers can utilize various services such as advertising, Boosting Power, and Quests to generate more visibility.

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