Horizen and the Importance of Layer-0 BlockchainsDapps should not compete for bandwidth on a blockchain as this harms the user experience. Horizen solves this with their zero-knowledge enabled cross-chain platform, Zendoo.
Here’s Why ThunderCore Blockchain Will Light Up the SkyDive into the ThunderCore blockchain, a hidden gem waiting to make a splash
Interacting with Smart Contracts with AlgoSigner and WalletConnectIntroduction to Algorand Development #4
Introduction to Algorand: PyTeal Smart Signature DevelopmentIn lesson 3 you’ll learn how to write and develop Algorand smart signatures
Sombra is the First Blockchain Studio for VFX artistsSombra is the convergence of visual effects for NFTs and the metaverse
Trending Dapps – Spotlight on WAX Games, DeFi & Exchanges, Top NFT Collections & Play-to-EarnTrending Dapps | Week #49
Lisk Blockchain Announces 60,000 CHF Grant ProgramEntrepreneurs and developers could win 60,000 CHF for building blockchain applications on Lisk
RSK Puts Your Bitcoin to Work with Money On ChainMoney On Chain improves the performance of your bitcoins while you retain full control of your private keys