Video Game Dev Squad Attracts $1.96 Million in Volume in 24 hours

Video Game Dev Squad Attracts $1.96 Million in Volume in 24 hours

Video Game Dev Squad NFTs are your pass to play Bloodline

Video Game Dev Squad, one of the newest Ethereum-based collections to drop, has seen enviable amounts of attention. In the past 24 hours, the collection has generated close to $2 million in sales volume. 

The Video Game Dev Squad NFT collection attracted over 1,500 traders and more than 4,600 sales. Currently, the floor price for a VGDS NFT is 0.18 ETH. However, traits and designs have not yet been revealed for the NFTs. Thanks to the boost in activity following the official drop, the collection is now eleventh in the DappRadar Top Collections ranking

What is Video Game Dev Squad?

Video Game Dev Squad is a collection of 5,555 hand-drawn, randomly assembled, 1 of 1 Avatar NFTs. The collection dropped just several days ago and has already attracted more than 15,000 members to its Discord channel. 

The idea behind the collection is much more ambitious than a simple avatar-style picture. Koin Games, the company behind the collection, has released a detailed roadmap which states that the NFT drop is just step one in their plan. The ultimate goal is to create a blockchain-based video game called Bloodline. The VGDS NFTs will be used as avatars in the game and give owners the exclusive right to participate in the beta version.

According to the official Discord channel, Bloodline will be a mixture of auto chess moves like DOTA and card-based plays like Hearthstone. However, details for the game are not yet available. One of the main ideas behind the avatar drop is to allow NFT owners to participate in the game’s development. Additionally, each VGDS NFT holder will be entitled to a free Hero Card airdrop. Hero Cards will have a big role to play in-game, as they will be some of the most powerful characters in Bloodline. 

NFT Reveal

Now that VGDS NFTs have officially dropped, the next phase of the roadmap is to reveal each avatar and its unique traits. According to the official documentation in Discord, the reveal will happen today at 2 PM EST.

Currently, all VGDS NFTs are showing a question mark animation. Rarity information is also not available at the moment but will become public once the reveal is complete. 

If you purchased Video Game Dev Squad NFT and want to check out its rarity and traits once the reveal happens, check out DappRadar Portfolio. Simply connect the wallet where your VGDS NFT is stored. You’ll be able to see all that data, including last sale prices and NFT value estimations. 

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